What Does “Potting” Mean in Emblem Production?

September 3, 2024

Take a walk out to your car. Where can you find the manufacturer’s logo? On the hood and rear hatch, on your steering wheel, or maybe on the interior buttons?

If any of your car’s emblems have a glossy, 3D, smooth finish over top, that’s called “potting” — and it’s one of the common branding services we offer at Sanwa to major domestic and foreign automakers.

Combined with other technologies such as vapor deposition, sputtering, or fine expression screen printing, potting delivers a final branded product that’s not only creatively superior, but also long-lasting and durable.

Read on to learn how form meets function with potting technology.

auto emblem potting sanwa

What is Potting?

The term “potting” refers to the process of applying a resin (typically transparent) to a surface or an assembly.

In electronics, potting is sometimes used to fill in the gaps on circuit boards to exclude water and moisture and protect the components from shock or vibration. When it comes to emblems and decals, potting is used to deliver an aesthetic edge and provide long-term protection for the designed surface underneath.

The Potting Process

At Sanwa, the potting process involves applying a urethane resin over the surface of a metal plate, printed film, or label (which can also be manufactured in-house using in-mold labeling technology or IML). In general, resin is applied 1.5-2.0mm thick. When the resin reaches the edge of the label, the surface tension stops the resin from spilling over the side. When it’s allowed to dry naturally, a dome-shaped potting results with a transparent gloss and smooth, luxurious finish.

potting oem emblem

We use urethane resin for potting because it’s more flexible than epoxies, and offers better long-term performance.

This type of resin is also resistant to yellowing and deterioration that can be caused by ultraviolet rays — essential for producing parts that will spend years (and even decades) on automotives outdoors. It is also lead-free and considered an environmentally-friendly option with a low greenhouse impact.

Common Uses of Potting

You’ll generally find potting used for emblems and decorative parts that need to be long-lasting — such as for autos and household appliances. However, a walk around your house or garage may reveal potting emblems on other common electronics and motorized wares, too.

  • Cars and motorcycles

  • Bicycles

  • Lawn mowers and yard maintenance equipment

  • Refrigerators and cooktops

  • Washers and dryers

  • Stereo equipment

  • Home medical equipment

Essentially, any branded product requiring a long-lasting, waterproof label is a good candidate for using potting technology.

logo emblem in mold labeling potting

Benefits of Potting

The transparent resin used in potting gives an emblem a three-dimensional look and a deluxe feel. The plate or label also becomes scratch-resistant, water-resistant, and UV-resistant.

Potted emblems are highly durable and have good impact resistance, too. Importantly, the glossy, hardened surface of a potted part also stimulates the eyes and draws positive attention to a brand’s logo — for many years to come.

jacuzzi emblem potting

OEM Emblem Production at Sanwa

We offer the latest technology for the design and production of precision car emblems and decals. Whether you’re looking for a metallic finish or a potted, glossy insignia, we are able to meet design expectations with a combination of in-house technologies. Our experienced engineers work with customers from the early stages of design to develop and produce emblem solutions tailored exactly to your requirements. Contact us to learn more.